23 Faulkner St. Hoole, Chester CH2 3BD


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I alter my subscription preferences?

Yes, simply get in touch to let us know what you’d rather not receive and whether your request is for just that week, or on a more permanent basis.

How do I cancel my subscription?

Simply log into your customer account, click on subscriptions, then cancel subscription.

Can I change the regular delivery day for my subscription?

Yes, get in touch with us and we’ll reschedule your delivery day to a day that works better for you.

Can I pause my subscription?

Yes, just let us know if you’re going to be away and we’ll reschedule your next order date.

Yes, if you’d like to test drive a different Veg Box for a week just let us know and we’ll refund the difference. Although for a longer term change, it’s best to cancel the subscription that’s no longer required, then resubscribe to your preferred Veg Box.

Can I change to a different Veg Box without cancelling my subscription?

We operate a next day delivery service for all orders placed before midnight.

I’d like a delivery tomorrow. When should I place my order?

We mirror the product range on our website with the range in the HFM Shop. We like to deliver your whole order without the need for substitutions so this means that certain items are only available for very limited timeframes. You can add products to your basket days in advance and then checkout the day before you need it, which should prevent unavailable items from being bought.

I’d like to place an order for a delivery in a week’s time. How do I do this?